Germain's Rich Dark Pipe Tobacco
Germain's Rich Dark Pipe Tobacco

Germain's Rich Dark Pipe Tobacco

Regular price £26.00
Tax calculated at checkout Shipping calculated at checkout. The levels of nicotine in a cigar are between 100 to 200 milligrams, and in some cases

This is Virginia forward with burley in a support role, whereas Stonehaven is burley forward with Virginia in a support role. The toppings are not quite the same either, though they are similar in their sweetness. I get a chocolate and treacle hit from it in different proportions than I notice in Stonehaven. They mildly sublimate and cohesively work well with the tobaccos. Virginia is earthy (not as much as Stonehaven), woody, and dark fruit sweet with minor grass and floral notes. The burleys are nutty sweet with a little molasses, wood, earth, and a touch of sharpness. The nic-hit is in the center of mild to medium. The strength and taste levels are medium. Burns slow with a very consistent flavor to the finish; rich, creamy smooth, cool, and clean. Requires some relights at first, but settles down unless it's sopping wet when you pack your pipe. Will need a little dry time, but I recommend leaving a little moisture for better effect. Has no dull or harsh spots, very few rough edges, and won't bite. Leaves a little moisture in your bowl, but no dottle, so it can burn to ash. Has a pleasant, lightly lingering after taste and room note.

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