The Oliva Cigar story began in the late 1800s, when Melanio Oliva started growing cigar tobacco in Cuba. His heirs carried on the family tradition in the fields, but it was his grandson Gilberto Oliva Sr. who began making cigars.
Nicaraguan tobacco helped Oliva survive. The cigar that brought it to the attention of connoisseurs debuted in 2006: Oliva Serie V. Made by a small group of rollers and blended for strength and style, the Serie V line was an immediate hit. In 2012, to pay tribute to the first man in the family to grow cigar tobacco, Oliva added the Melanio version, which is distinguished from the original by its Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador. The No. 1 Cigar of the Year 2014, Oliva Serie V Melanio Figuarado has rich, big notes of leather framed by a range of coffee, caramel and woody intonations. It’s a classic smoke.
Only 3000 boxes have been created.
In October 2021 Oliva celebrated 135 years in the tobacco business and marked its long history with this limited edition Serie V Perfecto.
These commemorative cigars measure 5 1/2 x 54 and are presented in an eye-catching 12 count box with a fanned out display. Like the rest of the Olive Serie V range, these cigars are made in Nicaragua at the Tabolisa factory and are the same complex blend of Nicaraguan long filler tobaccos, blended with fermented Jalapa Valley Ligero and finished with a high priming Sun Grown wrapper.
Length: 5 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 54
Strength: Medium
Packaging: Box of 12 Cigars
Wrapper: Sun grown
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Jalapa Valley Ligero
Tasting Notes: These cigars are blended to deliver full body taste while maintaining an unparalleled smoothness. This flavourful blend exhibits complex tobacco with rich coffee and dark chocolate tones. A subtle and well balanced spice is present throughout.