Davidoff 'Winston Churchill' Churchill - Aristocrat
The Cigar
Sir Winston Churchill cigar is impressive and complex with a length of 6.875 inches and a 47 ring gauge. Cigar aficionados and aristocrats of the cigar world will appreciate the sophisticated aromas and subtle flavors which change and develop as one makes their way along this rich and generous format. The Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Mexican and Dominican Republic binder, and Nicaragua fillers provide a creamy, spicy and woody notes sure to satisfy.
Filler:Dominican Republic - Piloto Mejorado Seco | hybrid Olor/Piloto Seco | Piloto Seco, Nicaragua - Esteli Seco | Condegas Seco
Ring Gauge:47
Wrapper:Ecuador - Habano
Binder:Mexico - Negro San Andres
Length (in):6.875
Smoking Time:60