Samuel Gawith Grousemoor Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco (50g Tin)
The Samuel Gawith Grousemoor Ready Rubbed is a 200 year old blend that is comprised of hand-stripped flue cured Zimbabwe Virginia leaf, steamed to a golden color then stoved into a unique melange of flavors. This one has a unique floral lakeland scent with a hint of lemongrass.
The Samuel Gawith Grousemoor is for lovers of pure Virginias. Created in the heart of Lakeland, using the finest Virginia leaves that Samuel Gawith are renowned for which has been top dressed with the infamous floral Lakeland flavouring. The smell of the tobacco is almost that of a flavored tobacco. When it's burning it produces a very sweet aroma at the beginning and then dissipates into a less evident, and yet pleasant, aroma. The taste is also very sweet, without being irritatingly so. Highly recommended if you're after a traditional British Virginia that is serious and yet sweet.