Chocolarder Toasted Oat Milk 60% Chocolate Bar
Just three ingredients, cocoa beans, unrefined sugar and toasted whole oats. This bar is both dairy and gluten free.
The cacao beans for this chocolate were grown under the canopy of Sierra Leone’s Gola Rainforest National Park. Various charities, including RSPB, have been working with local farmers to grow the cocoa in harmony with the park rather than drive deforestation.
We’ve added toasted whole oats to the cocoa beans and sugar to replicate the creaminess without using dairy.
Tasting Notes
Deep cocoa melting to sweet marzipan and brandy notes with a brownie finish
Cocoa beans, unrefined raw sugar and toasted gluten free oats. 70g
The Gola Rainforest
The Gola Forest is one of only two national parks in Sierra Leone, referred to as the ‘green diamond of the nation’. A remnant of the Upper Guinean Tropical Rainforest, it is home to over 330 bird species, of which 14 now face global extinction.
The Gola Rainforest project is providing a livelihood and income for farmers around the national park while helping them to protect the rainforest from deforestation. Growing cocoa isn’t an easy task, and harvesting the pods can only be done by hand when grown under the canopy of the rainforest, hence the destruction of nearly all of Ghana’s rainforest when they opted for easy harvesting, leaving devastation.
The project has been supporting farmers to harvest, ferment and dry their cocoa beans to the best quality to yield higher prices from chocolate makers around the world.
The rainforest is home to many endangered species including forest elephants, pygmy hippos and chimpanzees.