Chocolarder - Millot Farm 80% Dark

Chocolarder - Millot Farm 80% Dark

Regular price £5.50
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Established in 1904, Millot Farm sprawls across 15 km² in the Sambirano Valley, northern  Madagascar. It produces spices, essential oils and this incredible aromatic cacao.

The farm is a big draw to the region for its lush landscape and stunning scenery – for us the fruity punch of this Javan originating hybrid strain of cacao is definitely the main attraction.

Tasting Notes

Bursting with tart cherry and sweet raisin flavours leading to light sandalwood and smokey notes giving an incredibly complex finish.


Cocoa beans and unrefined raw sugar.

Bean Varieta - lMalagasy Trinitario
Bean Origin - Sambirano River valley, Madagascar
Cocoa - 80%
Grind Length - 28hrs
Conch Length - 42hrs
Ageing - 32days

The Millot Farm

Although Madagascan cacao only accounts for 0.5% of worldwide production, the small but incredibly lush and fertile island is recognised for growing almost exclusively ‘fine flavour’ cacao (as opposed to commodity) and so is looked to by the high end chocolate industry and discerning independent craft makers (hiya!) for quality, characterful beans.

Malagasy cacao is not native – Lucien Millot started cacao cultivation on the farm with Trinitario trees from Java, and over a century later the beans they produce are some of the very best on the market. The plantation now employs over 800 people – the majority women – and supports the local school attended by many of the employees’ children.

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