The Cigar
Experience the Davidoff Escurio Robusto. Crafted with tobaccos from the Bay of Todos os Santos in Brazil, along with tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Ecuador. The climate gives Escurio cigars their distinctive sweet, original taste and rich aroma with notes of salt and spice to give you flavours that exhilarate.
Escurio cigars with their notes of pepper, chocolate, liquorice, and coffee are exceptionally paired with sweet and spicy cocktails like Cara Doce, Ginger Margaritas, or Moscow Mules. A maritime whisky with a salty note such as Bunnahabhain 12 also pairs very well.
Ring Gauge:54
Length [in]:4 1/2
Smoking Time:55 Minutes
Binder:Brazil seco
Filler:Dominican Republic